Driving Your Diversity Recruitment

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Three “beyond statistics” steps for the next 30 days.

By 2055, it’s projected that America won’t have a single racial majority. How is the American workplace shaping up on the way there? It’s true of course that the complex subject of diversity encompasses much more than race, but that last statistic is indicative of the big changes on the way for society and employment. A mixture of gender, age, religion, culture, sexual orientation, and even personality all define how diverse a workplace really is.

For employers currently facing a tech revolution that’s redefining many aspects of the job market, who’s being brought in to fill those roles is an even more important factor in the future. How can you be sure your own business is succeeding with diversity hiring? The key is to be aware of the statistics and then go beyond them to become the best employer and workforce you can be.

Diversity recruitment today

In the last couple of years on the gender front, working mothers have come to represent more than 40% of sole breadwinners, with more than 20% bringing home a quarter to almost half of their household earnings. While that may be causing some cultural stress as things become more equal, it’s still a great thing for the workplace. Retirement age has edged upwards a couple of years too, meaning that people are going to be able to spend longer in their jobs, or maybe even start new ones later in life.

Racially, the Millennial generation is the most diverse to date, with only 59% Caucasian and 27% of immigrant backgrounds. They bring their core diversity to every aspect of their output, from thoughts and feelings to creating a culture of collaboration that goes beyond ethnicity, creed and other details. It’s termed as “cognitive diversity,” and is a deepening of the previous generation’s definition.

They also bring a measurable power to reshaping the employment landscape. Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025, and are more than willing to leave any job where personal expression is not encouraged.

With all this data, what are the best moves to make?

Step one – clarify your understanding of diversity’s benefits

Every business with a head on their shoulders is going to want to cater to as diverse a customer base as possible. If your workforce is diverse, the likelihood of making that vital connection with your customers increases exponentially.

The chances of that connection are further boosted through the different experience and viewpoints diversity provides (consider how much more effective a multi-lingual and multi-cultural staff will be today and in the future as racial majorities become a thing of the past). Adaptability and flexibility are the key words here.

Crucially, if you’re sending a message that your company is a diverse employer, then you’re going to greatly increase the talent pool interested in joining you, not to mention improving your image with everyone from the public to shareholders. It’s been indicated that top performing employees prefer to work for more diverse companies, and the research has confirmed the link between greater diversity and increased profits.

Step two – how to implement diversity hiring

The important thing is not to scramble to fill positions with diverse individuals. Change takes time, so take a look at how you’re hiring now and make gradual alterations. Have you noticed a particular lack of parity on any diversity grounds? If you’re looking for more women or men for your team, make a point of bringing them in over the next year. A smart way to increase diversity response to your job ads is to pay attention to the wording.

Being a flexible employer who allows remote working is another way to diversify your staff. Since they can sit at home (or a coffee shop) anywhere in the world, they’ll be regarded purely for their output. Race, accent, and other features are diminished in relevance under remote conditions. It also removes often long and expensive commutes to work, which could discourage some candidates from applying.

If you’re currently diverse at your workplace (or wanting to be), wear that proudly on your job applications, website and promotional materials. Diversity will attract diversity.

Step three – don’t overlook the challenges of diversity

Once you’ve established a diverse staff, don’t forget that we’re all only human. Tension can arise in the office if two people don’t like the same sports team, so thinking that a multi-faceted workforce aren’t going to have issues to face would be a mistake. Communicating with employees should be a priority for management to promote understanding. Some employees may be resistant to change, so circulating a staff survey to get a feel for morale is a good step to gather feedback.

With this data, you’ll know what needs to stay, what needs to go, and what needs to be implemented. Ensure you include every member of your staff in any diversity programs you choose to implement; this inclusion will set the tone for the unified environment you’re aiming to create.

At Mankuta | Gallagher, our mission is talent identification in a changing recruitment sector. Our knowledge of the marketplace combined with dedication to diversity and best hiring practices has built relationships with clients across sixteen industries. Contact us to see how we can help you build a top-notch workforce at your organization.
