Company Facts Prospective Employees Really Want to Know

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7 questions you can answer for job candidates

Finding the right hires for your company has become more competitive in recent years. As the economy has improved, prospects have also improved for job seekers. Candidates have more choices, so you often have to sell your company to them. It is no longer enough to have a nice “About Us” page on a website. You can’t just talk salary and benefits and let that be the determining factor.

Today’s workers – especially younger generations of workers – want more. They want to know if your company is a place where they can build a real career. They want a culture that inspires trust, encourages new ideas, cultivates growth, and treats people right. They also want their work to mean something in a broader sense.

According to a Harvard Business Review article, It’s no longer enough to simply satisfy employees’ own individual needs and wants—companies must also act more broadly, advocating and working on problems in the world that employees care about.”

Here are 7 questions you should be prepared to answer:

1. Can I grow here?

Employees want to know that your company will not just become an entry on their resume or a gateway to the next job. They want to know if there will be opportunities for professional growth. Is there room to rise through the ranks with promotions? Do you offer training and development? Are you willing to help with continuing education?

2. Can you be trusted?

People want to work for a company they trust. Moreover, they want to work with people they trust, especially those in management or director roles. Employees want to know you will live up to your promises and honor your word. They want ethical behavior and fair treatment, so they know you are not just about making money. Honesty, openness, and treating people with respect are all important.

3. Where are you going?

Employees want to know your vision moving forward. You know the old question, “Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?” The same question can be applied to your business. Employees want to know if your company has a roadmap for the future and how they might go along for the ride.

4. What is the workplace culture?

Today, company culture matters more than ever. People often spend more time at the office than they do anywhere else, and they want to know what the environment is like. Plus, employees want to know that your business’ personality fits theirs. Is the office very corporate or more casual? What is the attitude around the office? The attitude of management? Is there a sense of community at the workplace?

5. What is the organizational structure?

It’s important to let prospective employees know what to expect if they come work for you. Do employees work independently or in teams? Whom do they report to? Are you open to new ideas and innovations? Are there regular reviews so employees know how you feel about their work?

6. How is your company making a difference?

As stated above, it’s no longer just about the almighty dollar, especially with younger members of the workforce. Employees want to know how your company is connected to the community. Are you making a positive impact, and how can they contribute to those efforts?

7. Will I be able to work here and still have a life?

More and more, employees want to feel there is a balance between work and other pursuits. Our high-tech society means we can be connected to our jobs 24/7. The feeling that you never really leave the office behind can be draining mentally and physically. Is your company open to a schedule that veers from the traditional 9-5 hours? Is there room for flexibility? Are there opportunities for telecommuting?


At Mankuta | Gallagher, we’ve been skillfully connecting companies and talent since 1994. We interview prospective hires to get actionable information that you can use to make your first contact a comfortable success. Contact us to learn how our tools and experience can add value to your recruiting efforts.