All Linked Up and No Place to Go?

All Linked Up and No Place to Go?LinkedIn has become a resourceful tool for recruiting talent, it makes us wonder how recruiters survived before it came along in the mid-2000’s.  The ease in which you can put in what you are looking for and receive a list of individuals that might be a fit for your position… sounds like a dream!  As most people within HR and Recruiting have a lot on their plate, it’s an easy stress-free way to reach out to people.
So, you send InMails or connection requests.  Then you wait… and wait… and wait… to see who, if anyone responds.
A few things you may think about while you wait.

What am I going to do if no one responds to my InMail?  Where did those messages go?  Did they go to a personal email account that is not checked?  Did the person even get an alert they have a message?

Think about the last time you did this, how many InMails did you send and how many responses did you get?  Would you say your return is less than 10%?  What about the other 90%, how do you get to them?  Three little words….. CALL THEM DIRECTLY!

Call Sue for more information...

Sue Ferris - Mankuta Gallagher - LinkedIn

Sue Ferris


[email protected]

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